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Home National News Motivation Factor of Incentive Trips at an All-Time High

Motivation Factor of Incentive Trips at an All-Time High

By M+E Staff

Results from the Incentive Research Foundation’s (IRF) 2022 Incentive Travel Destination Preferences & Their Impact on Motivation confirmed that interest in incentive travel as a motivating sales reward is at an all-time high. 91% of 405 survey respondents described group incentive travel as extremely or very motivating compared to 80% last year. Individual incentive travel was rated even higher as a motivational award at 96% versus 84% last year. 

This year’s study, conducted in March and April, surveyed full-time salespeople in the United States who have been eligible for an incentive trip at some point within the past three years. The questions focused on four main areas: motivational appeal of incentive travel awards, fairness of the award process, destination preferences, and aspects of an incentive trip that are most important. 

In both 2021 and 2022, the three highest ranked priorities for incentive trips were being able to invite a spouse, significant other, or friend along; going to an appealing destination; and having additional expenses covered either by an all-inclusive package or additional spending money being provided. Being given ample time to relax also ranked high, along with having luxury accommodations. 

In addition, the study asked the respondents to rank order 12 types of destination experiences. The top three in 2022 mirrored those from 2021: beach/sunshine, adventure travel, and mountains. Visiting a wellness spa ranked near the bottom of preferred experiences in 2021 but moved up to fourth overall this year.

Other key highlights 

  • The same four destinations that were ranked at the top in the 2021 study remained at the top in 2022: Hawaii, Caribbean, western United States, and western Europe. 
  • A majority (85%) described the selection process for incentive trips at their companies as extremely or somewhat fair. 
  • The largest shift in importance was having the opportunity to be recognized in front of peers, which had a large gain from 2021 when it was considered far less important. 
  • Half of respondents indicated that a trip between 4-6 days is ideal, and only 8% preferred a trip lasting 1-3 days.

Data provided by Cvent and 3D Cruise Partners confirmed that there is strong alignment between the trips that are currently booked and what participants find most motivating.