When it comes to meeting and events, tech issues are universal. Fasetto, Inc., an innovative tech company, aims to change that with the November launch of their new gadget Forum.
“Forum is a safety net,” Fasetto CEO Coy Christmas explains. “You can sleep in 15 minutes later because you will be confident that setting-up will go according to plan.” Designed as an integrated presentation solution, Forum creates a wireless network for participants to join—allowing them to view presentations on their own device and interact with the presenter—independent of Wi-Fi connection or the challenges that come with presenting in unfamiliar spaces.
“While Forum knocks down logistical presentation hurdles, it was ultimately designed to make engaging with the audience easier,” says Christmas. Presenters using Forum can conduct live polls, respond to questions, and share files and contact information with their audience, all in one convenient place. Fasetto also plans to work continuously to provide users with new Forum features that will be released through software updates.