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Home Northeast NE News Visit Philly Ranked High on Social Media List

Visit Philly Ranked High on Social Media List

By Brittany Trevick

Visit Philadelphia has been ranked third on a U.S. city list of social media engagement based on a study done by independent social media agency Sparkloft Media.

Cities that topped the organization were Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Results were based off of liking, sharing and commenting on posts. Visit Philadelphia was also ranked fifth in numbers of fans and followers.

While Visit Philadelphia ranked third, it did beat out its direct-market competitors—New York, Washington D.C., Boston and Baltimore—on Facebook and Instagram.

The destination marketing organization launched their social media accounts in 2007 and steadily grew throughout the years.

“Our 15 social media accounts reach nearly 800,000 people, and we’re committed to ensuring that these platforms provide compelling and useful information to locals and visitors,” says Meryl Levitz, president and CEO, Visit Philadelphia “This study shows that our significant investment keeps us right up there with our top competitors and top destinations in the country, including Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Boston and New York.”